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Regular price $38.00
Regular price Sale price $38.00
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Please contact us at our office tel: (65) 67415561 if you are interested to purchase the product.

Specification: Bottle (100g) or Sachet (5g)
The herbal extract mixture (granules) is sold either in bottle or 50 sachets in a box.

Lot No, Expiry Date and Bar Code shown on bottle are for illustration purpose only.
Actual product will have different Lot No, Expiry Date and Bar Code.

All prices are subjected to sales tax (GST)

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Mixture Sheng Mai 生脉颗粒

Product Category

Mixture Herbal Extract Granules

Action and Indication

Please refer to product image


1 time a day, 5g or 1 sachet each time or as prescribed by Herbalist's advice. Please allow at least 2 hours in between when consuming Chinese and Western medicine.

Expiry Date

Bottle (100g) 2024-03-29
Box (50 Sachets * 5g) 2027-04-23

Pack Size

Bottle (100g) OR Box (50 Sachets * 5g)


Please refer to product image