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Influenza Management

Suitable for heatiness from lack of sleep, throat feeling scratchy.

For common cold, cough, pharyngolaryngitis, dry mouth, sore throat, short and reddish urine, dripping urine with uneven pain, urinary tract infection, summer-heat etc caused by external contraction of wind heat.

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Lot No and Expiry Date shown on bottle are for illustration purpose only. Actual product will have different Lot No and Expiry Date.

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Sanjin Yuye Granules 三金牌玉叶解毒冲剂

Product Category

Influenza Management

Action and Indication

For common cold, cough, pharyngolaryngitis, dry mouth, sore throat, short and reddish urine, dripping urine with uneven pain, urinary tract infection, summer-heat etc caused by external contraction of wind heat.


3 times a day, 1 to 2 sachets each time. Please allow at least 2 hours in between when consuming Chinese and Western medicine.

Expiry Date


Pack Size

12g x 10sac


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